07 Aug A Note to Future InteractiveSQUASH Court Owners
The power of Court Admin.
Over the past few months, we’ve received enquiries from squash court owners across the world. interactiveSQUASH represents an exciting and revolutionary upgrade for the sport as it can enhance the training program of well-seasoned players, while attracting a whole new audience to the game. This post will provide you with a concise overview of what tools you have at your disposal as a
future interactiveSQUASH court owner.
Court Admin provides owners and operators with a wide variety of features and advantages that will make the most of your court.
At this point, most people understand how the system works and how it transforms existing squash courts into immersive technological training environments (watch the video below if you’d like a brief rundown of the system). However, many court owners want to know more about how they can manage the system on their end and what kind of support is available.
Fun With Balls, the company behind interactiveSQUASH, has developed ‘Court Admin’ an online tool that gives court owners and operators full control over their interactiveSQUASH courts at all times. The concept is simple, access Court Admin online, log into your court, and control the court from the comfort of your computer. In addition to being able to control all information concerning your court (facilities, cover photo, contact details), there are two major advantages that Court Admin provides to owners and operators, the ‘Pick Game’ and ‘Analytics’ tools located in the lefthand main menu.
The interactiveSQUASH System Rundown.
Pick Game
The Pick Game tool in Court Admin is a simple way of controlling your interactiveSQUASH court. Activate or deactivate the court easily, control lighting and volume effects, and most importantly choose between games and training modules. In-between sessions, you can also leave the front wall on screensaver mode as well.

The ‘Pick Game’ page.
Simple yet powerful, Court Admin puts you in control of your interactiveSQUASH system.
The Analytics tool is one of the most powerful features of Court Admin. It provides you with a comprehensive breakdown of all time played on your interactiveSQUASH court. Select the year and month you desire and easily compare statistics between games and training modules.
This way, you can establish how many hours of interactiveSQUASH are being played, which games or training modules are most popular, and determine your peak playing times.

Access the latest analytics from your interactiveSQUASH court.
Video Tracking
Imagine a court that provides you with realtime video tracking? The benefits of such a wealth of data are endless. Every interactiveSQUASH system comes equipped with a series of four cameras that will track every move and shot players make. As a court owner this feature will greatly enhance the training capability of your club.
A preview of the power of realtime video tracking.
Court Admin designed in a way to be as simple as possible. That being said, the Fun With Balls team is always at your disposition if any problems should arise or if you have any questions or concerns. Court Admin provides future interactiveSQUASH owners and operators with all the tools they need to make the most of their state-of-the-art courts.
All that’s left to do is to order your new interactiveSQUASH system. Let us know what you think and if you have any further questions, email us at mail@funwithballs.com
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